Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cure Tooth Decay

Ramiel Nagel’s book tries to prove that natural foods, and not dental checkups, prevent tooth decay. We’ve heard it all before, the theories about “caveman diets” and how traditional nomadic people have the best smiles. Well this isn’t necessarily true (even cave men lost their teeth) but there is a point to it.

Dr. Nagel uses old and new research to compare ethnic groups’ teeth. The primitive Hebrides islanders lived on shellfish and oats, and their teeth were marvelous. But the more urbane peoples of the region had cavities. The reason was simple; the more “modern” the people become, the more access they have to refined white flour, sweets, caffeine, and sweetened foods. Fruit preserves,  which (unfortunately) form a large part of the modern diet, are high in sugar. If you eat them every day, but have less milk, meat, and greens in your diet, then you throw off the nutrition balance.

The book goes further into the danger of mercury-based fillings and how to remove them, but the part on nutrition is better. I would rather have seen the book as a series, with the first part devoted strictly to the nutritional aspect of caring for teeth. But overall it’s an excellent book on how to save on the cost of dental care.

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