Friday, April 4, 2014

The Small Scale Poultry Flock

If you’re thinking about keeping some hens in your backyard, read this book. Whether you’re looking to reduce your food bill, or if you’re just trying to avoid hormone-pumped eggs, it’ll be worth the money and the effort. This book gives practical and easy-to-follow advice on how to buy chicks and raise them to lay big brown eggs (or become roast chicken if you prefer.)

Harvey Ussery starts out with basic reasons for keeping chickens, the first one being health. There’s a picture of a commercial egg business, with thousands of chickens in rows of cages, nothing to do all day but lay eggs. These chickens never leave their cages, and if you’re wondering why they don’t get sick, the answer is they do! They get pumped full of antibiotics to ward off disease, but that means you end up with an overdose every time you eat eggs and chicken. With all the antibiotics in those chickens, there’s probably an unknown bacteria out there that’s immune to the drugs. We could be in trouble.

With the health issue aside, Ussery guides the reader through building the chicken coop, selecting the chicks, caring for them when they first arrive, and keeping them happy at all times. He describes chicken rearing as no harder than keeping any other pet, but far more rewarding. It’s wonderful to hear that more Americans are being encouraged to keep chickens and grow their own food. You’ll have plenty of eggs all year round, not to mention lots of fertilizer too.

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